Monday, January 26, 2009

Just an update...

Hi, Everyone,

I had my first weekend apart from Gus, Kate and Claire. It was a big step for me, but I went to a scrapbook retreat this weekend. While I was gone, Chad and his parents (MeMe and Poppa Bear to the babies) took on full-time baby duties! Meanwhile, at the scrapbook retreat, I made great strides in working on some scrapbooks for Gus, Kate and Claire that start with pregnancy and end with their homecoming in September. I finished Gus'. Claire's just needs some stickers for decoration. Kate's needs journaling and stickers. So, I am almost done! This is a huge weight lifted from my shoulders! The babies had a great time with their MeMe and Poppa Bear. They did not miss me one bit, and I am glad! I would rather them have a good time (which they did) than cry for me. I consider the weekend a success.

Here is the update on the babies...

They are all getting so fat, sassy and cute, cute, cute! Yes, I know that I am partial! :o) They are all eating rice cereal. Gus is now taking several bites of the cereal without spitting it out. Kate will take about three bites and then gets a funny look on her face as if she is saying, "What ARE you doing to me?" But, then she gums the cereal and swallows. Claire is the big surprise in the cereal scenario. Claire LOVES the rice cereal! She woke-up this morning and decided that she was ready for it. She smacks her lips and makes little "oooh oooh oooh" noises to demand MORE cereal. It is the cutest thing to see her do that! If we pause too long between bites, she kicks her feet and makes some weird growling noise to demand more. Then, she sticks her whole hand in her mouth to get a real feel for the cereal. It is so much fun! Chad and I just go down the line of babies, scooping rice cereal with a spoon and depositing it into the babies' mouths.

We are still having issues with Gus' infant formula. He is STARVING! Chad and I are hoping that he will settle down once he develops a taste for rice cereal and is able to eat a little more of it. The formula that he is on is just so thin and digests so very quickly. He is starving and screaming within two hours of eating. When this happens, it is difficult to get him to take his bottle because he is in such blind, angry hysteria from the sudden realization that he feels hungry again. It is AWFUL to see him like that.

Gus' eczema is much, much better since the formula switch. The allergist phoned-in a prescription steroid cream for me to use on Gus, but I wanted to give the over-the-counter creams and lotions one more try. Gus' skin care routine goes something like this: Bathe in Dove soap. Gently pat dry. Within 3 minutes of the bath, slather him from head to toe in Lubriderm lotion. Rub 1% Cortaid on trouble spots (FACE) and then "seal" it in with Aquaphor (that stuff is GREASY like Vaseline). Bless his heart! He is going to be sick of me slathering him in lotion day in and day out! But, it's whatever works, and right now, this routine is working! Aside from his skin and formula issues, Gus is still my jolly guy. He has the best laugh! He also has this little mannerism where, if you are carrying him, he will prop his arm/elbow on your shoulder like he is your laid-back buddy. It is really cute.

Kate has a new talent. She now sits in her Exersaucer and flings her hands up in the air and rocks the Exersaucer back and forth...HARD!! MeMe and Poppa Bear reported that they thought Kate was going to slam the Exersaucer through the wall this weekend! Also, she has stuffed monkey that she likes. She turns him in just the right direction so that she can put his curly tail in her mouth and slurp on it while she rocks back and forth in the Exersaucer. It is really cute to watch.

Claire Bear (or formally known as "Clarissa BEARissa") is laughing alot more, smiling alot more and talking alot more. As I already mentioned, her newest, biggest thing is the cereal. I could just watch her eat the cereal all is SO amusing to me how she smacks those little tiny lips like she is enjoying a delicacy. LOVE that!

I think I already mentioned in a previous post that we are done with pacifiers. The babies do not want them, even if they are really, really fussy. So, bye-bye, pacifiers. And, thank you, God, that You allowed us to get off easy on that one! Chad and I were ready for this to be a big issue around here. We will just be happy that we got to use the "easy button" for what is normally a pretty big issue for most families!

We are all doing very well and are counting down the days to warmer weather...we are counting the days to when it is NOT sick season anymore and we can get these sweet babies out to meet some of you.

Love and miss you all,


1 comment:

Jill Hardin said...

Oh my goodness! They are so adorable! I love all of your postings so keep them coming. So awesome you got so much of your scrapbooking done. Well done!