Sunday, January 3, 2010


Hi, Friends and Family,

The name of our family blog spot is Gus, Kate and Claire: Life with triplets...the fun has just begun! That name has never been more appropriate than it is right now...

During the past few months, I have gone from being the mother of three infants, to being the mother of three almost 18 month old TODDLERS. Wow! They walk, run, climb, hit, bite, hug, give kisses, chase the dachshunds, blow slobber on the windows, do things to try to make their dad and I laugh at them, love wagon rides and running amuck in the pasture, ask for snacks, climb into cabinets, demolish the play area in a matter of 60 seconds -- flat. If you have ever had a toddler, then, you know the drill. LOL!

I have to say, the infant phase of raising triplets was tiring, but blissful and relatively easy for me most of the time. I had it down pat -- or so I thought. I forgot that my home would soon be turned into "Toddlerville", a blessed, wonderful, chaotic, funny, overwhelming, sweet, loving, fun, exhausting, busy place to be...

One thing that I have been learning the hard way as I do my best to raise my little ones is that I am no longer independent. I need help -- lots of help -- and almost on a daily basis (although I do not have help on a daily basis...I'm not independently wealthy LOL). It has become a family affair just for me to go to the grocery store, go to a doctor's appointment (mine or Gus, Kate and Claire's), get my hair cut, etc. In the summer months, I can load-up Gus, Kate, Claire and their wagon and make a quick Wal-Mart/Target run for a couple of items. But, in the winter months, that's just not possible. They do not need to be out in the cold drizzle around sick people, so, I wait for them to go to bed at night and then go run my errands after Chad is home. And, God forbid if I am sick or if one of the babies happens to be's all hands on deck. I got sick with what I really believe was H1N1 back in September. At the same time, Gus had an upper respiratory infection, Kate and Claire both had ear infections. Kate also got Roseola right on the heels of the ear infection, and I was so weak and faint that I nearly passed out while I had one of my little ones on the changing table. It was the most helpless, frustrating, overwhelming feeling to not be able to care for my own little ones. Chad had to come home from work. Chad's mom had to take days off from work. They were caring for my sick babies while I was drifting in and out of sleep and sweated down with fever. I am thankful that I have family to help me in those times of need. But, what mother does not want to be with her sick child? God has been working with me on releasing this need to be independent and in almost constant control of my surroundings here at home for quite some time. Thankfully, He is a very patient God, even though I am a very stubborn child!

Of course, illnesses aside, safety in general is a top priority around here. Chad and I are both finding it more and more difficult to keep our little ones safe, especially when we are here with them alone (only one of us). Our house has been stripped bare of anything that they could fall off of or that could fall on them. Anything that could poison, suffocate, impale, electrocute, etc., is no longer around or has been moved to a higher location. Shades are pulled-up. Select doors are kept closed. Baby gates and outlet covers have become the best inventions ever. Even on a good day, I need two of me just to keep them safe. I feel like I am always in a state of HIGH ALERT. Most moms wish they had a clone on most days. I don't think that's unique to moms of multiples! LOL! I always feel that I am in perpetual "head count" mode. LOL!

Yesterday, I ran into a sweet, dear friend that I had not seen in quite some time. This friend is so pure, so kind, so loving and truly radiates the love of God in all that she does. She has truly given every aspect of her life to Him, and it shows. We had a quick visit at a local supermarket, and she said in her sweet, Indian accent, "Being a mother is a wonderful blessing, but it can be so tiring and overwhelming." When she said that, my tears started to flow...tears that I have held back for months. She said what was on my heart, and I didn't have to say a word. My tears said it all. She knew she was right, and she gave me a big hug and promised to continue to pray for me. True friendship...what an amazing blessing.

Just the day before the supermarket encounter, another friend gave me a beautiful James Avery "motherhood" ring for my birthday. She hugged me and told me she thinks I am a good mom. Wow...I needed the hug. I needed the love and encouragement. Now, the ring is such a sweet reminder of the love and care that my friend expressed to me.

So, yes, I am feeling overwhelmed. I am feeling exhausted, tense and tired (most days, I am wiped out by noon, and it is still almost six hours until Chad comes home). But, I also feel blessed and happy to have these three delightful, funny, sweet, loving, busy toddlers. Such an emotional roller coaster! In the past, I have felt that I could not be honest here on my blog about these feelings of being a mom to three toddlers because it seemed that my honesty about feeling tired or having a bad day only brought comments like, "Be careful what you pray wanted kids, and now you have them." Or, "But you have so much to be thankful could always be worse." Receiving comments like these made it hard for me to be honest or vulnerable. And, I want to be honest and vulnerable with you, my friends. This is so important, especially when my blog is about family life/faith. I feel that it is important to share the ups, downs, joys, trials of raising triplets here because what I am going through just might help some other mom feel that she is not alone. Just because I am having a bad day or feeling tired does not mean that I do not want my children or that I want to go back to my life before kids or that my heart is not filled with gratitude to the Good Lord for my husband, children, friends and family or that I cannot see that I am beyond blessed. It just means that I am tired and overwhelmed for the moment and that I need a loving friend or family member to listen to me. I do not want my human emotions to be mistaken for ingratitude or whininess...

If you choose to continue to follow this blog, I might make you laugh. I might make you cry. I might even make you mad. And, that's all okay. I mainly just want other moms to know that they are not alone in the joys and sometimes trials of raising little ones...

If I have given the false impression in the past that I have it all together or that I am "Supermom", I am sorry, because that is just not the truth. No one has it all together, really. We are all just doing the best that we can...

Blessings to you and yours and much love to you all.

Leslie, mom to Gus (Climber Extraordinaire), Kate (Helper Extraordinaire) and Claire (Talker Extraordinaire)
P.S. The above picture from left to right with new sippy cups and shades: Kate, Claire and Gus in his new Romo jersey. This was just taken New Year's Day.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Update on Gus, Kate and Claire

Okay, so, now I am the mother of three, thirteen month old children. Wow!!

Here are the latest little facts about Gus, Kate and Claire...

  • All of the babies are now feeding themselves finger foods. Their favorite finger food is pancakes. I cut the pancakes into tiny bits (toddler sized) so that they babies can easily eat them. Kate is a virtual pancake vacuum cleaner. That child can EAT some pancakes.
  • All of the babies now have at least four teeth...2 on top, 2 on bottom with more coming in.
  • All are still sleeping through the night (thank you, God, for being merciful to us in this matter).
  • Kate and Claire have been making the "Mama" sound for quite some time. But, now, it appears that they really say "Mama" and mean ME. :o)
  • Gus actually says "Dada" more than Mama, which is cute. Chad loves this!
  • Claire loves music. She really enjoys the "Hokey Pokey" song on one of the CDs we have for all of the babies to listen to. I made the mistake of picking her up and actually DOING the Hokey Pokey WITH her, thinking I could stop at will. I was wrong. She threw a FIT when I tried to put her down mid-song. Anyway, Claire's version of "Hokey Pokey" is waving her arms around in the air, which is SO adorable.
  • Gus can dance. He jigs his torso around and bounces up and down on his heels, which is SO funny! It looks like he's got his dad's "rhythm".
  • Kate listens to music and flaps her arms around -- a little. She is the logical baby, so she prefers playing with the shape sorter and then sifting through piles of those little baby board books. She is a great page-turner.
  • Claire is my little clone.
  • Kate is starting to look more like Chad at times.
  • Gus looks like both Chad and I.
  • I have been taking the babies to the mall at least once per week for an air-conditioned stroller ride. They seem to enjoy it, and I enjoy it, too. It gets us all out of the house and into different surroundings for a little while. I always do this when it is NOT close to a nap or feeding time so that we are all in a good mood.
  • Claire is a dare devil. We have a small slide in our play area. She will climb up it and then just FLING herself off, assuming that we will just magically appear and catch her. Scares me senseless!
  • Kate also enjoys the slide. She climbs-up, then stands on the platform and gazes out at "her" people like she is on a balcony and wearing a princess dress and tiara.
  • Gus is ALL boy. He loves the slide. He will climb up it and slide down it (with help on the down part) for long periods of time. He looks so proud of himself!
  • All of the babies are now standing-up very well and are "cruising" from one piece of furniture to the next.
  • Kate has been known to take 3 hour afternoon naps. THREE HOURS, folks!
  • Claire will nap for about 2 hours. YAY, Claire.
  • Gus naps for 30 minutes. HOLY MOLEY!!
  • All of the babies have attempted to whack, push and bite each other at one time or another. I cannot tell you how many times per day I hear myself saying, "No bite/no hit/no shove." Yes, they understand the word "no". Sometimes when I say it to one baby, all of the babies will stop what they are doing and look at me.
  • My stone fireplace hearth is now covered in bed pillows, topped by an old bed spread so that the babies will not knock themselves out and have an ER visit. I also took down the living room drapes because I was afraid that if I didn't take them down that the mini-mob would take them down for me. Oh, well. It's not forever. Their safety is more important than home decor.
  • Gus can climb -- very well.
  • Claire can slam doors -- very well.
  • Kate is fast -- very fast.
  • It takes me 30 minutes, five times a day, to clean the babies' high chairs after they eat.'s a total disaster.
  • Chad and I took Gus, Kate and Claire to visit an elderly (in her 90's) friend of ours and her two sisters (also in their 90's). I thought the babies were going to destroy the place...especially Claire. She was in fine form. The ladies were very gracious, though, and Chad and I did our very best to corral our little curious mob. In spite of the chaos, the sweet ladies seemed to really enjoy the visit. They laughed at us -- ALOT!
  • Kate has an "attachment object". This object is a small, soft little velour blanket that someone had made for her when she was born. I have been calling her "Miss Linus", you know, like Linus from Peanuts who always carried his blanket. We caught Kate crawling with her little blanket in her mouth. I guess she figured out that she could have her blanket with her at all times if she did this. Yes, Chad and I have made a note that we can never (NEVER) misplace this little blanket!!
  • The babies have been going to church nursery each Sunday for a month. Each Sunday, Claire cries. Each Sunday, all of the babies stare at the nursery workers as if the nursery workers are from another planet.

As you can see, Gus, Kate and Claire are keeping Chad and I HOPPING! We are still having fun! Sure, there are some difficult days, but that is to be expected when raising three completely different little human beings, right?

On a more serious note, please keep Gus in your prayers. He has been having some issues with crying for long (LONG) periods of time since December/January. We do not know what is wrong. This crying could be related to some sensory integration issues because he was premature. We are having him evaluated.

Chad and I will be taking the babies to Dallas tomorrow to see their developmental specialist. Pray for a good report.

We love and miss you all.


P.S. Pictures from top to bottom: Chad kissing Gus; Gus, Kate and Claire in "ball pit" at our house; Claire laughing in ball pit; Gus laughing in ball pit; Gus/Kate/Claire visiting our elderly friend; Claire, destroying our elderly friend's couch; Chad holding Claire and our elderly friend holding Kate.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Gus, Kate and Claire!!

Hi, Everyone,

I wrote this on the babies' birthday (July 9th), but I am just now getting around to posting it...

As most of you know, today is Gus, Kate and Claire's official FIRST BIRTHDAY! Chad and I just cannot believe it! It has been an incredible year for Chad and I to literally see the hand of God in our lives and in the lives our children. We have experienced what we believe to be miracles overflowing! In spite of the statistics and in spite of what we were told would probably happen during my pregnancy, we have three healthy, happy little ones.
If you didn't believe in miracles before, I hope that you do now. I hope that when you think of Gus, Kate and Claire you will also remember that God is good, He loves you, He is merciful and He is still a God of miracles.

Thank you all for your prayers for our family. Because you prayed for us, you are also a part of these many miracles...

So, you are wondering how their first party went, right? Well, it was so fun! The babies were so sweet. The girls were dressed in little pink tutus, with big bows in their hair and t-shirts with cupcakes with "1" on them. Gus was in little khaki shorts with a t-shirt and a camo "1" on it. The babies' MeMe and Poppa Bear, Poppa and Ma DJ, Great MamMaw, Uncle Matt, Aunt Brandy and Cousin Hunter, and Auntie A and Uncle T-Boy came to help celebrate. Gift opening went slowly...the babies were easily distracted, so that part was pretty funny. But, of course, the grand finale for them was the CAKE. Each baby had their own "smash" cake with their name on it. When presented with his cake (while only wearing a diaper and a birthday hat), Gus kicked-back in his high chair seat like he had been eating cake every day for his entire life...he ate half of that little cake! Kate, also wearing only a diaper and a cute little birthday tiara/hat, looked at the cake, touched the cake, briefly tasted the cake and then flipped-out because icing was on her hands. Claire, also half naked and in a birthday tiara, was pretty laid-back about the whole thing. She took her time looking at the cake, playing in the icing and attempting to eat some of the cake. It was a HOOT! We all sang "Happy Birthday" to each baby...

I posted a few pictures so you can see how much fun we had! (from top to bottom...picture of Kate, then Gus, then Claire, a family photo and then a cake photo).

Happy Birthday, Gus, Kate and Claire! Your dad and I are so glad we had you. You are blessings that fill our daily lives with joy. We love you!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Update on Gus, Kate and Claire

Hi, Everyone,

Well, we have three little busy bodies on our hands! So much has happened since the last time I posted. I will just hit the high points...

  • I celebrated my first Mother's Day...WOOHOOO!!
  • Our family participated in the Parent Commitment/Baby Dedication Service at our church on Mother's Day. My Maw Maw and Uncle David, Chad's parents, dad, Jill, Matt, Brandy, Hunter and Hannah all came to share in the day with us, which made it even more special. Matt was our extra "baby holder" during the service. He did a great job!
  • All are crawling! Yippee!! Claire has been scooting around for quite some time...she still isn't on her knees. But, she looks like she is swimming on the floor. LOL! She is FAST! Kate was the first to actually crawl. Gus has been crawling for a few weeks now. When he decided to crawl, there was no struggle for him. He just did it.
  • All have two bottom teeth. Sweet, quiet, loving Baby Claire is a biter...she will bite to move her humongous brother out of her way when she wants something...we are having to tell her, "NO BITE, CLAIRE!!").
  • All can open cabinets. Gus and Claire closed-up Kate in the toy cabinet the other day...fortunately, Kate was so absorbed in playing with the toys in the cabinet that she didn't realize that she was being held captive.
  • All are holding their own bottles, which has taken feeding time down from about an hour to about 15 - 20 minutes. Another WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!
  • All are enjoying Stage 2 baby food. We are advancing them to more and more textures very slowly due to their previous feeding issues/aversions. They are making progress.
  • All are pulling-up. Yikes.
  • They all really enjoy books. They really like the "touch and feel" books with the different textures. And, they have a terrific attention span for most books...seriously.
  • All are babbling and saying "Mamamama" and "Dadadadadada" and "Babbababaa" and various other noises.
  • They are playing well with each other and even make each other laugh.
  • They all still sleep in the same room at night and are still sleeping well through the night. But, for naps, I had to start putting them all in different rooms. Why? Because my girls were "talking" and laughing with each other for 45 minutes when they were supposed to be napping. This threw the nap schedule WAY off for a couple of weeks because they were just starting to fall asleep when Gus was almost finished with his nap. Having them napping in different rooms is working like a charm.
  • Gus is covered in bruises from his rowdiness and lack of fear of injury. Good grief.
  • Speaking of Gus, he reminds me of a baby rhinoceros...he is SO rowdy AND, he makes these little snorting noises when he is trying to play a little bit rough. LOL!
  • Lesson learned: Never (and I mean NEVER) give one baby a sippy cup without giving the others one, too (immediately). I made this mistake the other day and got mobbed.
  • Kate is doing much better with being touched and wallowed by her brother and sister. She does not freak-out anymore when they come near her, which is great progress for her.
  • The babies all swam in their little splash pool for the first time last week. Claire didn't have a care in the world...she is a true water baby. Kate didn't like the water for long because it was COLD (which was mom and dad's fault completely). Gus liked it and would play a while and then would take a break...then, he'd want back in again.
  • Claire continues to be my tiny "stick-tight"/shadow. She wants ME and doesn't like it when I am far.
  • Gus went through a phase of screaming and crying for 45 minutes to an hour -- four or five times daily -- for a few months. At first, we thought it might be reflux. So, he's back on medication, which has decreased the crying. Now, we realize that part of this behavior is just his temperament. He wants things how he wants them and when he wants them. Oh, boy.
  • I had my first outing ALONE with all three babies this week. It was just to a follow-up appointment, so it was short and sweet. Claire was fussy, but otherwise, the outing was uneventful. Whew!
  • They all love it when Chad or I just plop in the middle of the floor and rest on our backs. They climb on us, pat our bellies, pull our hair, squish our noses, wallow us, etc. They love it and we do, too. It is SO funny to be clobbered by such a tiny little mob!
  • All of the babies are sampling Cheerios. Gus and Claire just play with them. Claire will gag if I put one in her mouth. Gus could take or leave the Cheerios. Kate is in TOTAL focus with the Cheerios...busy, busy, busy...and she is learning how to put them in her mouth herself.
  • Kate and Claire adore eating bananas. Kate loves fresh mango and bananas. Those girls can put away some bananas!! Goodness!
  • We now bathe all three babies together in our big bathtub. This is definitely a two person job. Holy Toledo!! One baby splashes and face plants into the water while another baby is trying to climb out while another baby decides to bite the other baby....I could go on and on...but I won't.
  • Gus, Kate and Claire had their first overnight visit with their MeMe and Poppa Bear (Chad's parents) a couple of weeks ago. It went really well. I'm not sure who had more fun...Chad's parents or the babies.
  • All of the babies continue to be healthy. No far...thankfully.
  • The babies will be 11 months old on June 9th. Where did the time go?
  • On a more serious note...Due to a skull malformation, Gus will be wearing something called a DOC band from the end of June through September. The skull malformation is due to his unfortunate position in the womb. I like to say that he had the bottom "apartment" and that his sisters had the upstairs penthouses. In other words, he was SQUISHED. Please keep him in your prayers because he will have to wear this 23 hours per day, and the band cannot get wet. So bathing, swimming, dressing, etc. will all have to be planned and not exceed one hour.
  • Question: Is anything ever REALLY baby-proofed??? I think NOT! Inability to baby-proof EVERYTHING = exhaustion/paranoia.

Chad and I are enjoying being parents so very much. It is one-hundred times more difficult than we could have ever imagined. But, it has also brought us more joy than we could have ever imagined. We are so blessed and so thankful for our sweet little ones.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers. With God's help, we are doing our very best with Gus, Kate and Claire.

Love to you all,


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In Loving Memory of Paw Paw

In Loving Memory of our Paw Paw, Charles Strong...
Dear Paw Paw,
We are so glad that we had a chance to know you and be snuggled by you. Thank you for loving us and praying for us before we were even born. Thank you for being such a good Paw Paw. We love you and we will always miss you.
Gus, Kate and Claire

Sunday, April 26, 2009

March of Dimes/March for Babies Walk

Hi, Everyone,

Saturday was the March for Babies walk.

It rained, but not enough to be miserable during the walk. The walk organizers shortened the route because of the rain. Gus, Kate and Claire did great -- they were just along for the ride. No one fussed, and they did not get even a little damp, thanks to the humongous visors on their strollers.

The main reason I am writing about this is because Chad and I want to say a great big THANK YOU to every family member and friend/co-worker who donated money on behalf of Gus, Kate and Claire to this cause. Because of you, our Moms of Multiples team raised $3065 for March for Babies! YAY!! THANK YOU!!

Also, Chad and I viewed March for Babies day as a day to celebrate the fact that we have three NICU Graduates who are healthy, happy and thriving in every way possible. We are so blessed and so thankful! To celebrate, we gave each baby a big old smooch from us. Notice that they are wearing NICU Graduate t-shirts from March of Dimes. :o)

Love to you all, and thank you again for your generosity.

P.S. The top picture, left to right: Claire (in recline position), Kate, Gus. The next picture is of Claire being smooched by us. The next is of Kate being smooched. Then, the next is of Gus being smooched. Oh, and the humongous bruise in the middle of Gus' forehead is from his "meeting" with the See 'n Say toy. Goodness, the bumps and bruises have only just begun!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!!!

Hi, Everyone,

Chad and I hope that you all had a very Happy Easter!

Chad and I took the babies to Landmark Baptist Church in Mt. Enterprise to celebrate their first Easter. For those of you who do not know, this is the church that Chad grew-up in, and I was a member there for a while when Chad and I were engaged/newlyweds. So, Landmark has always been special to us. We are THRILLED that Gus, Kate and Claire finally met all of the sweet people who had prayed for them for such a long time!

So, our Easter went like this:

We left here at about 7:30 on Easter morning. We fed the babies their breakfast and plopped them into their car seats while they were still in their pajamas. We drove straight to their MeMe and Poppa Bear's house (in the rain) and fed them again and then we all got dressed for church. When we got to the church, Chad's dad met us at the door to help us unload and carry Gus, Kate and Claire. We took the babies into the sanctuary just before Sunday school got out. When we got to the sanctuary, we discovered that our niece, Hannah, had made a sign that said, "Reserved for Moore Triplets and Family" and placed it on the end of the pew! Now, if THAT doesn't make a person feel special, then I don't know what will! Chad and I put the babies on the pew while they were still in their car seats. As people got out of Sunday school, they stopped by "The Moore Pew" to say "hello" to Gus, Kate and Claire. The looks on Gus, Kate and Claire's faces were priceless! Their eyes were SO big as they watched all of the new and interesting faces around them. Everyone that stopped by to see the babies was SO nice. Chad and I also had just a few minutes to chat with some of the other parents. It was great to see the Jones twins -- they are BEAUTIFUL -- we had heard so much about them that it was wonderful to be able to see them and chat with their parents for a few minutes. And, one really big treat for me was that got to see Mrs. Jan Creel. I have to tell you that she is one of my "mom" inspirations! She has raised four AMAZING children (they are all grown now). Out of those four children, she has a set of twins, Austin (babies' honorary Uncle Austin and my "brother from another mother") and Tiffany. I always think that if Mrs. Jan could manage with four little children all so close to the same age and maintain such a sweet spirit and so much faith, then I can manage, too. She is my real life "Jon and Kate Plus 8" role model!
Of course, we also saw two sets of great-grandparents (Matlocks/Charles Strong) and my dad and Jill (Poppa Wayne and Ma DJ to the babies). It was great to see everyone all in the same place. My dad was a good sport and toted Kate and Gus around a little bit. He also helped us load the babies back into the car once church was over.

Prior to the sermon, we had a chance to take the babies down to the front of the church for their official "viewing" (I borrowed that word from Mrs. Deanna). Chad was able to thank the church publicly for their prayers for us and the babies. We fully believe that our babies are alive and well because of the prayers of many. It was wonderful to finally be able to thank just a few of our prayer warriors all in one place. To God be the glory -- great things HE has done!! Thank you, Lord, for saving our babies! Thank you for giving us such a sweet Easter Sunday with friends and family. Thank you, Lord, for our prayer warriors!

Once the sermon started, Gus and Kate did really well and sat with Chad, Matt, Brandy, Hunter and Hannah. But, poor little Claire went into meltdown mode. At first I thought it was because she was overstimulated with the new surroundings, new noises and faces. But, I soon discovered it was because she was exhausted! Church started right about the time she would normally be napping. So, we went and found an empty Sunday school room, and Claire zonked-out on the floor on her little blanket for the remainder of the service. Claire is usually a quiet baby and doesn't protest too much about anything. I'm not too worried about this because when she needs something, she will let it be known! She SCREAMED and SCREAMED loud and then SCREAMED some more until I put her down for a nap. Yes, I'm a little slow, but I finally got it! Meanwhile, Gus was enjoying being in church and looking around and listening to the music. And, apparently, Baby Kate decided that she wanted the tour of the rest of the church, so her Uncle Matt obliged and took her for a little stroll (thanks Uncle Matt and Aunt Brandy).

My only disappointment about the church experience was that I was unable to take all of the major family photos that I had planned to take once the service ended. I had planned to get pictures with The Moores, The Cooleys and The Matlocks. But, Claire fell asleep and I wasn't going to wake her for a few photos. One thing that pregnancy, bedrest and being the mom of baby triplets has taught me is that I AM NOT IN CONTROL!! No, has taught me that I am DEFINITELY NOT in CONTROL!!! :o) So, the big family pictures will have to wait just awhile longer, but that's okay.

After church, we had our first Moore Family gathering where everyone was present. It was so great to finally have everyone under the same roof! We had a terrific Easter lunch, and then MeMe and Poppa Bear gave Gus, Kate and Claire personalized Easter baskets filled with a few toys, new sippy cups and some really spiffy sunglasses. Our nephew, Hunter, loaned Gus his John Deere cap, which was really nice of him to do. He even posed for a few pictures with the babies so that we could get the first pictures of all five grandchildren together. Our niece, Hannah, spent most of the afternoon on the floor with Gus, Kate and Claire and getting to know them better. And, by the way, Hannah is FABULOUS with the babies. She is such a tremendous help and is so loving with them. We took TONS of pictures, needless to say!

I could just go on and on because it was so exciting for Chad and I to finally have our babies out and about and to admittedly show them off just a little. It's okay to be just a little proud of our babies, isn't it?

It was just such a great first Easter. We are SO blessed, but, I have already said that! :o)

We love you all,

P.S. Kate is wearing the mint green dress with white bunnies and Claire is wearing the pink dress with chocolate bunnies. The pictures of the babies in car seats are of them sitting on the reserved church pew with cousin Hannah (left to right...Kate, Gus then Claire).